About Me
From Vermont, I have had the privelege of calling Seattle, WA my home for the last 15 years. I love going outside and exploring, and recently have enjoyed my time in Ann Arbor, where I go to school.
I am currently a junior at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, pursuing a dual-degree in computer science and business administration. I love the idea of combining computing with a positive business mindset to create a product that can enrich the lives of others and am eager to further explore these unique fields.
I love playing video games and watching sports. I have recently gotten into golf and have been working on improving. I also love travelling and am working on visiting all states (37 so far) and as many countries as possible.
This past summer, I got the opportunity to study abroad in Europe! I spent some time in Paris learning differential equations and French fashion, and got to visit London, Geneva, and Prague. The summer before, I interned at National Instruments (NI) in Austin, TX, working on back-end testing frameworks, using virtualization technologies to run tests for LabView builds on every pull request.